What is our MISSION?
www.orchestralplayalong.com is a digital platform which aims to provide Play-Along videos to all kind of musicians. You can search among a wide variety of repertoire which includes from classical to contemporary repertoire. Through www.orchestralplayalong.com you will have the opportunity to download your favourite repertoire without the need of additional Apps or Programs. Learn more.
What can we offer to you?
One of the main goals of www.orchestralplayalong.com is to provide a digital platform to new composers to promote their compositions and new works. What can we offer to you? Let's find out!
We can create Play-Along videos of your own compositions using the most realistic sound library and software. We are using artificial intelligence adapted to music notation to make our final product sound almost like a studio recording performed by real players. You can check the result of our system by listening to the demos in our Repertoire section.
We give you the opportunity to promote your compositions through our platform and social media of www.orchestralplayalong.com. Each of the compositions you decide to adapt to our Play-Along format, will be promoted in our social media such as Instagram, Youtube and Facebook, including the design of the covers. Although we will sell the Play-Along videos of your compositions in our website, we will add the links of purchase of your own websites or online stores. Important note: we will never sell any of your pieces neither in digital nor paper version. In contrast to editorials, we are just focused on the creation of Play-Along videos as a previous step to promote new and classical music.
Since our website is focused on Play-Along videos for solo instruments, the pieces most suitable to be adapted to our format are those written for solo voices or chamber music. Thus, if any piece you have composed for a solo instrument plus accompaniment or chamber music (duo, trio, quartet or quintet) might be perfect to be included in our platform.


How can I convert my compositions into a Play-Along product?
Convert your compositions into a Play-Along product so you can promote your music in an original and unique way. In order to do that we need you to send an email to orchestralplayalong@gmail.com with the following files:
1. The MusicXML file of your composition (learn how to export your Sibelius or Finale in XML format).
2. Download, fill out and attach to your email the following form which contains essential information of your piece and your work as a composer:
IMPORTANT NOTE. Please take in mind that due to the large amount of daily request, it might take a few days to process your form before we give you a definitive answer via email. We are looking forward to listening to your work!